Ways to Support

The Katy Trail is a premier Dallas destination and cherished community asset. It is also community-funded, meaning the Trail runs on the generous support of you, our Trail users, neighbors, and partners along the Trail and around Dallas.


We encourage everyone who walks, runs, cycles, commutes, and gathers on the Katy Trail to join our efforts and become a member of Friends of the Katy Trail, an ever-growing group of Katy Trail fans.
In addition to membership, there are several other important ways you can help maintain, improve, and partner with the Trail.

Spring Support Campaign

The Spring Support Campaign is the Trail’s annual outreach to the entire Dallas community to fund ongoing operations. The landscape maintenance, security patrols, lights, signage, and water for people and pets that make a walk, run, or bike ride on the Katy Trail such a pleasant experience come at a considerable cost. Katy Trail donors generously subsidize the approximate $1.5 million per year that it takes to care for the Trail at the high level the community expects and needs.
Friends of the Katy Trail is pleased to announce that the Honorary Chairs of the 2025 Spring Support Campaign are business and philanthropic leaders Ruthie and Jay Pack.
Ruthie Rutchik Pack was born in Dallas, attended Hillcrest High School, and graduated from The University of Texas. She and Jay have two daughters, Lucy Schanzer and Gracie Meiggs, and five grandchildren. Ruthie joined the Board of Friends of the Katy Trail this year and is also an active board member of the Dallas Arboretum. Like Ruthie, Jay Pack is an active user and supporter of the Katy Trail. He is the former CEO and owner of Standard Fruit and Vegetable. Together with Ruthie, Jay founded the Pack Family Foundation and the Career Pathways Program to help bring young professional talent to the produce industry.
Thank you, Ruthie and Jay, for your leadership of this important annual campaign for the Katy Trail!
Jay and Ruthie Pack
Spring Campaign Major Donors
2024 Spring Support Campaign Letter

Greenscape Fund

One of the primary objectives of Friends of the Katy Trail is to keep the Trail beautiful–to care for and enhance our ribbon of green. We now have more ways for you to help cultivate the Trail’s natural environment.
The Katy Trail Greenscape Fund supports the ongoing growth of the natural beauty along the Trail. The fund allows donors to increase the nature experience for all who visit the Katy Trail and tap into the therapeutic effects of the outdoors. Greenscape naming options provide a special way to promote a business or honor a friend, family member, or organization.
Katy Trail Greenscape Fund – 2024 Donors
Greenscape Opportunities
Donate to the Greenscape Fund

Community Partners

The Katy Trail Community Partners program is the perfect way for your business to support the Katy Trail. With this annual gift, your organization receives significant community recognition and meaningful involvement in the best amenities the Katy Trail has to offer, including the Katy 5K run and our membership benefits.
Since its inception, the Katy Trail has become a key quality of life amenity in Dallas and has spurred more than 1 billion in economic development. Our Community Partners invest in their business by investing in the Katy Trail.
Community Partnerships are annual gifts starting at $10,000 per year. We are happy to create a custom package for your company. Community Partners standard benefits include, in part:
  • Sign on or off the Trail showing your support of the Katy Trail
  • Promotion as a partner during our annual support campaign, online and in print, and in an e-blast
  • Katy 5K sponsor benefits, including premiere vendor location at event and discounted employee registrations
  • Complimentary “Best Friend” level Friends of the Katy Trail memberships
  • Opportunity to promote your business on the Katy Trail
Opportunity for your employees to volunteer for the Katy Trail
Community Partner Levels and Benefits

Community Partners

Alamo Manhattan
Ben E. Keith Company
Clay Cooley Auto Group
Crowe LLP
D Magazine
Eiseman Jewels
Goldman Sachs
Haynes and Boone, LLP
Katy Trail Ice House
Katy Trail Weekly
K18 Biomimetic Hairscience
Lombardi Family Concepts
Pegasus Bank
People Newspapers
Sewell Automotive
Shell Energy
Stream Realty Partners
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Naming Opportunities

Honor a friend, family member, or organization by naming a special area or feature on the Katy Trail.
2025 Naming Donor Opportunities